
Treatment for Women’s Intimate Health Concerns: Dryness, Discomfort, and More

Home / Treatment for Women’s Intimate Health Concerns: Dryness, Discomfort, and More


A safe, effective, and pain-free solution to your intimate concerns.

Ladies: Have you noticed changes in your intimate health over time? Maybe you’ve experienced vaginal laxity, dryness, or mild urinary incontinence due to childbirth, aging, or hormonal shifts. If any of that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. The good news is there’s a noninvasive way to address those concerns, like restoring tightness, improvising sensation, and boosting comfort without surgery or downtime. It’s called ThermiVa, and if you haven’t heard of it yet, I’m happy to explain it to you.

What is ThermiVa? ThermiVa is a radiofrequency treatment designed to rejuvenate vaginal tissue by stimulating collagen production. It is like a skin-tightening procedure for your intimate health. It’s completely painless, requires no downtime, and delivers noticeable results.

How to prep for your session: Getting ready for ThermiVa is super simple, but a little prep can go a long way. Make sure to stay hydrated since well-hydrated skin responds better to treatment. Avoid using tampons or vaginal creams for at least 24 hours before your appointment. Plan your session around your cycle for the best comfort, and if you’ve recently had an infection, wait until you’re fully healed before scheduling.

There’s a noninvasive way to address intimate health concerns, like restoring tightness, improvising sensation, and boosting comfort without surgery or downtime.

What happens during treatment? Expect a quick, 30 to 45-minute session that’s completely comfortable. A small wand delivers gentle warmth to stimulate collagen, which most women describe as a relaxing and warm massage. There will be no numbing, no needles, and no pain—just a simple in-office procedure with zero downtime. You can even get it done on your lunch break and go about your day as usual!

What to expect afterward: Some women notice a difference right away, while full results develop gradually as collagen builds over the next few months. There’s no recovery time, but for the best experience, make sure to drink plenty of water to support collagen production and hold off on harsh soaps or vaginal products for the first day or so.

(And yes, you can resume intimacy the same day if you’d like!)

How to get the best results: If you’re looking to enhance the results even more, I recommend pairing ThermiVa with the O-Shot, which is another treatment option for women’s intimate health. This duo will maximize treatment effectivity, boosting sensitivity to make your intimate moments more pleasant and comfortable.

You don’t have to just accept discomfort or changes in your intimate health because there are real solutions that can help. If this sounds like something that could help, we’d love to chat! Call or text us at (210) 446-6263 to schedule your private consultation. We can’t wait to help you feel your best!

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