
PRP/PRF Injections

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PRP/PRF Injections in San Antonio, TX

If you’re looking for groundbreaking treatments to address aging signs, hair thinning, or specific skin concerns, consider PRP/PRF injections in San Antonio Med Spa. With these innovative treatments, you can harness the power of your body’s natural healing capabilities for skin rejuvenation, hair restoration, and tissue repair.

Here’s what you can expect:

For you, the process involves drawing a small sample of your blood, concentrating the platelets, and then injecting the enriched solution into the desired area.

What you get? The result: Accelerated healing, increased collagen production, and a refreshed, more youthful appearance. These natural and non-surgical treatments offer a range of benefits, including promoting collagen production, enhancing skin texture and tone, and being effective in hair restoration and preventing hair loss.


  • Natural and non-surgical treatment.
  • Promotes collagen production.
  • Enhances skin texture and tone.
  • Effective in hair restoration and preventing hair loss.
  • Reduces the appearance of scars and wrinkles.
  • Improves skin elasticity.
  • Aids in tissue repair and wound healing.
  • Can be combined with other treatments for synergistic effects.
  • Minimized risk of allergic reactions since it uses the patient’s own blood.
  • Long-lasting results.

Unlock your skin’s potential by booking your appointment with San Antonio Med Spa today!

PRP/PRF Treatment Options:

Facial Injections

PRP/PRF Facial Injections harness the body’s natural healing abilities to rejuvenate the face. By promoting collagen production, these injections restore the skin, reduce the appearance of lines, and improve overall skin texture. It’s a holistic approach to achieving a more youthful and radiant complexion without synthetic fillers.

Scar Treatment

PRP/PRF Injections offer a potent solution for scar reduction. By injecting concentrated platelets into the scarred tissue, the treatment stimulates the skin’s healing process, leading to smoother skin and a diminished appearance of scars, whether they are from surgery, acne, or injuries.

Hair Restoration

Hair thinning and loss can be combated using PRP/PRF Injections. By injecting PRP/PRF into the scalp, it stimulates dormant hair follicles, promotes blood circulation, and nourishes the hair roots. As a result, patients often notice reduced hair fall, thicker strands, and increased hair growth over time.



Anyone experiencing signs of aging, hair thinning, or specific skin concerns may benefit from this treatment.

Initial improvements can be seen as early as a few weeks, with optimal results typically visible after a few months.

Results can last approximately 12 to 18 months, depending on the individual and the treated area.

There may be minor swelling or redness post-treatment, but this usually subsides within a day or two.

Avoid anti-inflammatory medications before the treatment. After the procedure, refrain from vigorous activities and excessive sun exposure for a few days.

A small amount of blood will be collected, processed to separate the platelets, and then injected into the designated area. The process is relatively painless, with minimal discomfort.

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