
Hair Restoration

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Hair Restoration in San Antonio, TX

If you’re struggling with hair loss or thinning hair, consider Hair Restoration at San Antonio Med Spa—a non-surgical and advanced solution utilizing PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma), PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin), and Exosomes Injections. This cutting-edge treatment harnesses the power of your body’s natural growth factors.

The procedure involves drawing a small blood sample, processing it to concentrate platelets and growth factors, and then precisely injecting the enriched solution into areas showing hair thinning. Suitable for both men and women, this method stimulates hair follicles, encouraging growth and thickening of hair strands.

Residents of San Antonio can find hope in this effective Hair Restoration procedure, as it amplifies natural growth factors, fostering hair growth, reducing hair fall, and leading to denser, healthier hair. Visible improvement is generally evident within a few months post-treatment. While the longevity of results varies depending on individual factors, they can last for months or even years.

Don’t let hair loss diminish your confidence. Schedule your Hair Restoration appointment at San Antonio Med Spa today and experience the benefits of this non-surgical and minimally invasive approach:

Benefits of Hair Restoration:

  • Utilization of the body’s natural growth factors.
  • Suitability for both men and women.
  • Addressing various stages of hair thinning and loss.
  • Enhancement of hair density and strength.
  • Reduction in hair fall.
  • Encouragement of the growth of new hair follicles.
  • Minimal to no discomfort during treatment.
  • Quick procedure with almost no downtime.
  • Natural-looking results.

Hair Restoration in San Antonio, TX

Hair Restoration at San Antonio Med Spa offers an advanced, non-surgical solution to thinning hair and hair loss, utilizing the power of PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma), PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin), and Exosomes Injections. These cutting-edge treatments involve drawing a small sample of the patient’s blood, which is then processed to separate and concentrate the platelets and growth factors. The enriched solution, filled with hair growth-promoting proteins, is then precisely injected into the scalp areas showing hair thinning. Suitable for both men and women, this method stimulates hair follicles to encourage growth and thickening of hair strands.

San Antonio residents struggling with hair loss can find hope in this effective Hair Restoration procedure. As the treatment amplifies the natural growth factors in the body, it fosters hair growth, reduces hair fall, and leads to denser, healthier hair. Generally, visible improvement is evident within a few months post-treatment. The longevity of results varies depending on individual factors but can last for months or even years. Don’t let hair loss diminish your confidence; schedule your Hair Restoration appointment at San Antonio Med Spa today!

Benefits of Hair Restoration:

  • Non-surgical and minimally invasive approach.
  • Utilizes the body’s natural growth factors.
  • Suitable for both men and women.
  • Addresses various stages of hair thinning and loss.
  • Enhances hair density and strength.
  • Reduces hair fall.
  • Encourages the growth of new hair follicles.
  • Minimal to no discomfort during treatment.
  • Quick procedure with almost no downtime.
  • Natural-looking results.

Common Treatment Areas


Dermal fillers are highly effective in restoring volume to the cheeks, giving them a fuller and more youthful appearance. They counteract the natural loss of subcutaneous fat, lifting and defining the cheekbones.


Dermal fillers address the hollows and fine lines under the eyes, often called tear troughs. By adding volume in this area, it helps minimize the appearance of tiredness and dark circles.


Losing volume in the temples can lead to a more aged appearance. Dermal fillers help replenish this volume, creating a smoother transition between the forehead and cheekbones.


One of the most prevalent uses for dermal fillers is lip augmentation. Fillers add volume to thinning lips, enhance their shape, and diminish vertical lines around the mouth.


Dermal fillers can enhance the shape and projection of the chin, creating a balanced and harmonious facial profile. It’s an excellent option for those seeking a non-surgical chin augmentation.


For those seeking a more defined and contoured jawline, dermal fillers can provide added structure and definition, helping to create a sharper, more chiseled look.

Marionette Lines

These lines that run from the corners of the mouth down towards the chin can deepen with age. Dermal fillers fill in and soften these lines, providing a more youthful and cheerful appearance.

Nasolabial Fold

The pronounced lines that run from the sides of the nose down to the corners of the mouth can be filled and softened using dermal fillers, reducing their depth and prominence.

Hand Filler

Aging can lead to loss of volume in the hands, causing veins and tendons to be more noticeable. Dermal fillers can restore this lost volume, giving the hands a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

Neckline (Tech-Neck)

While traditionally a challenge, certain dermal fillers can address horizontal lines on the neck, providing a smoother and more youthful neckline.


Individuals experiencing thinning hair, receding hairlines, or hair loss, irrespective of gender, can benefit from Hair Restoration.

Results typically start to manifest a few months after the treatment, with continual improvement as hair grows.

Results can vary among individuals, but many experience benefits lasting for several months to years.

Most patients face little to no downtime. Minor side effects may include slight swelling or tenderness at the injection sites, which usually subsides within a few days.

It’s advised to avoid alcohol, caffeine, and blood-thinning medications or supplements a few days before the procedure. Post-treatment, refrain from washing the scalp for 24 hours and avoid vigorous physical activity for a day or two.

The procedure entails drawing a small blood sample, processing it to obtain PRP, PRF, or Exosomes, and then carefully injecting it into target areas of the scalp. Hair Restoration treatment is generally well-tolerated with minimal discomfort.

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