
Acne Light Therapy

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Acne Light Therapy in San Antonio, TX

If you’re dealing with the pesky and often stubborn issue of acne, consider Acne Light Therapy at San Antonio Med Spa. This groundbreaking skincare treatment utilizes specific wavelengths of light to target the bacteria responsible for acne.

If you’re in San Antonio and struggling with mild to moderate acne, Acne Light Therapy might be the solution you’ve been searching for. The therapy involves blue light targeting acne-causing bacteria and red light reducing inflammation and promoting faster healing. This dynamic duo not only treats existing acne but also prevents future breakouts.

Depending on the severity of your acne and individual skin characteristics, you may experience visible improvements after just a few sessions. Sustain this newfound clarity with regular treatments. If you’ve been in a relentless battle with acne, don’t let it hold you back any longer. Book an appointment at San Antonio Med Spa and witness the positive change.

Experience the benefits of Acne Light Therapy, including:

  • Direct targeting of acne-causing bacteria.
  • Rapid reduction in skin inflammation and redness.
  • Visible reduction of acne scars and marks.
  • Applicability for all skin types.
  • Painless and non-invasive procedure.
  • Absence of chemicals or medications.
  • Boosted skin healing.
  • Shrinking of enlarged pores.
  • Enhanced skin tone and texture.
  • Prevention against future acne outbreaks.

Common Treatment Areas


Dermal fillers are highly effective in restoring volume to the cheeks, giving them a fuller and more youthful appearance. They counteract the natural loss of subcutaneous fat, lifting and defining the cheekbones.


Dermal fillers address the hollows and fine lines under the eyes, often called tear troughs. By adding volume in this area, it helps minimize the appearance of tiredness and dark circles.


Losing volume in the temples can lead to a more aged appearance. Dermal fillers help replenish this volume, creating a smoother transition between the forehead and cheekbones.


One of the most prevalent uses for dermal fillers is lip augmentation. Fillers add volume to thinning lips, enhance their shape, and diminish vertical lines around the mouth.


Dermal fillers can enhance the shape and projection of the chin, creating a balanced and harmonious facial profile. It’s an excellent option for those seeking a non-surgical chin augmentation.


For those seeking a more defined and contoured jawline, dermal fillers can provide added structure and definition, helping to create a sharper, more chiseled look.

Marionette Lines

These lines that run from the corners of the mouth down towards the chin can deepen with age. Dermal fillers fill in and soften these lines, providing a more youthful and cheerful appearance.

Nasolabial Fold

The pronounced lines that run from the sides of the nose down to the corners of the mouth can be filled and softened using dermal fillers, reducing their depth and prominence.

Hand Filler

Aging can lead to loss of volume in the hands, causing veins and tendons to be more noticeable. Dermal fillers can restore this lost volume, giving the hands a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

Neckline (Tech-Neck)

While traditionally a challenge, certain dermal fillers can address horizontal lines on the neck, providing a smoother and more youthful neckline.


Those with mild to moderate acne can benefit. However, a consultation at San Antonio Med Spa will clarify individual suitability. Ready to learn more? Schedule your consultation online to get started!

Many notice changes after 1-3 treatments, though individual results vary.

With consistent treatments and proper skincare, results can be long-lasting.

The process is non-invasive with few side effects, though some might see minor post-treatment redness.

Clean skin is a must pre-treatment. Post-treatment, limit sun exposure, and use sunscreen diligently.

Expect a 20 to 30 minute session where the skin is exposed to therapeutic light while you relax.

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