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Kybella in San Antonio, TX

Considering a non-surgical solution to reduce chin fat and define your jawline? Kybella in San Antonio Med Spa, could be the perfect choice for you. Here’s what you can expect:

For you, Kybella utilizes a revolutionary, FDA-approved treatment with a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a molecule naturally found in your body. This acid aids in breaking down and absorbing dietary fat. When injected into specific fat pockets, Kybella works to destroy fat cells, resulting in a reduced appearance of fullness under your chin. Because you deserve only the best, we make sure that procedures like Kybella are administered only by our trained professionals at San Antonio Med Spa, so you get that sleeker profile and boost in confidence you deserve.

Benefits of Kybella:

  • Non-surgical solution to reduce chin fat.
  • Provides a more defined jawline.
  • Long-lasting results.
  • Quick treatment sessions.
  • Minimal downtime compared to surgical alternatives.
  • Safe, with the active ingredient naturally found in the body.
  • Can be tailored to meet individual patient’s needs.
  • FDA-approved.
  • Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Permanently destroys fat cells in the treated area.

Take the next step towards a more refined profile; book your Kybella appointment with us today!

Common Treatment Areas Include:

Double Chin

Kybella is specifically designed to target the stubborn fat deposits beneath the chin. When injected into this area, it breaks down and permanently eliminates fat cells, resulting in a more contoured and refined jawline. Over time, this reduces the appearance of a double chin, offering a smoother, more youthful profile.


While primarily recognized for addressing double chins, Kybella can also treat sagging jowls. By targeting the fat cells that contribute to the droopiness around the jawline, Kybella aids in minimizing jowls, enhancing the definition and structure of the lower face.

Bra Bulge

Those troublesome fat pockets around the bra line can be hard to lose and resistant to diet and exercise. Kybella can be administered to these areas to break down and dissolve these fat cells, providing a smoother silhouette and making clothes fit more comfortably and look more flattering.

Inner Thighs

Kybella is not just for the face and neck. For those bothered by small pockets of fat on the inner thighs, Kybella offers a non-surgical solution. When used in this area, it helps reduce the fat, resulting in more toned and sculpted inner thighs.


Anyone bothered by the fat beneath their chin or in other small areas and who prefers a non-surgical treatment option can be a candidate for Kybella. A consultation at San Antonio Med Spa will determine your suitability for the treatment.

Visible results can be observed after 2 to 4 treatment sessions, but this can vary based on individual factors. The number of treatments required will depend on the amount of fat being addressed.

Once the desired aesthetic effect is achieved, further treatment isn’t expected, as Kybella permanently destroys fat cells in the treated areas.

Post-treatment, some patients may experience swelling, bruising, or numbness under the chin, but these are generally temporary. It’s best to discuss potential side effects with our professionals at San Antonio Med Spa.

Before the treatment, avoid taking blood-thinning medications and inform your provider of any health concerns. After the treatment, it’s recommended to avoid strenuous activities for 24 hours and apply cold compresses to minimize swelling if needed.

At San Antonio Med Spa, a trained professional will mark the injection sites and then administer a series of Kybella injections. The process is relatively quick, taking about 20-30 minutes, with some potential for mild discomfort.

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